
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Prince Morocco Analysis Essay Example

Prince Morocco: Analysis Paper William Shakespeare has written numerous works that have circulated the globe because of their vast popularity. His pieces are those that came to understand the needs and desires of his audience which resulted in mass appreciation overall. One of his well know plays, The Merchant of Venice, deals with common issues that the audiences in which Shakespeare wrote for could connect to. Shakespeare identifies characters through their speeches, soliloquies and the rest of their acted personalities. From this approach of getting to know characters, it may be how the audience can distinguish said characters as seeming very real and alive. The play could be perceived as complex due to the many conflicts that arise. One character in particular stands out as a contributor to a main conflict in the play. Ashamed and insecure at first however later proud, Prince Morocco initially sets the stage the suitors of Portia that follow. Regardless of how Prince Morocco is only depicted in The Merchant of Venice in two scenes, his egotistical actions due to his selfishness, his conflict with his newly found fate, and his inferred entanglement between self interest and love are uncovered. Prince Morocco is initially introduced as one who is seeking Portia’s hand in marriage. The Prince of Morocco asks Portia to ignore his dark complexion and attempts to win her by picking one of the three caskets; having only one contain her portrait which is the one he hopes to find. Prince Morocco explains his thoughts on each of the caskets as he reads the inscriptions on them. He says the lead casket is not worth hazarding everything for and quickly disregards it. When he comes to the silver casket he comments, â€Å"Thou dost deserve enough and yet enough may not extend so far as to the lady’’(II. ii. 27-29). He exposes his secret fear that he may not deserve Portia. He considers silver not to be grand enough for Portia, for as her stature is far greater, and sends away this casket as well. He settles upon the gold casket thinking that â€Å"what many men desire† describes Portia because â€Å"all the world desires her†. His choice can be expla ined by the fact that it is only his royal blood and his fortune that lends him respect from the people of Venice and grants him power along with stature. His riches are very important to him. We will write a custom essay sample on Prince Morocco: Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Prince Morocco: Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Prince Morocco: Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer From this it becomes evident that Prince Morocco cares only for physical love and a desire for physical pleasures. This means Prince Morocco judges on outward appearances. Thus the quotation, ‘‘All that glisters is not gold’’(II. vii. 66) befits his character which is clear to be insecure and shallow, proving that he is not the one deserving of Portia. In spite the fact that Prince Morocco is a minor character in The Merchant of Venice, he is somewhat involved in the conflict revolving Portia, as he is one of many suitors that have taken a risk in the of trying for her. Because he is wealthy and well known, he believes that he deserves the best. Nevertheless, due to his superficial attitude towards his entire outlook on life, Prince Morocco selects the gold casket to reveal not Portia’s portrait but a skull with a scroll implanted in one of the eye sockets. This not being the correct caskets reveals two problems. One being simply that there are still two remaining caskets to be unveiled. The other being detrimental for the Prince for the reason that he must be punished for choosing incorrectly. Portia’s father created a lottery such that the most deserving man would choose the correct casket. Whereas those who dare to take part in this lottery and choose wrong, they must leave immediately, never speak of the lottery, and never seek another woman in marriage. From selecting the gold casket Prince Morocco must accept his fate. In Act 2, Scene 7, Lines 75-78, Morocco pleaded his woe to Portia after hastily succumbing to his fortune. â€Å"Cold indeed and labor lost. Then farewell heat, and welcome frost. Portia adieu; I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave. Thus losers part. † Again this just proves that he truly was not deserving enough for Portia. As a result, Prince Morocco departs where his misery awaits while Portia is still anticipating hope that the right suitor will come along. When it’s all said and done, the conflict is resolved with the arrival of Bassanio who partakes in the lottery and wins Portia’s hand. However, even though the underlying conflict was resolved, Morocco’s personal defeat remains. The self-absorbed and shallow character that is Morocco, is a key component in the explanation and deliverance of one main theme in The Merchant of Venice; the prevalence of self interest over love. From the very beginning of the Prince’s appearance in the play, he is seen to possess the qualities in a man who expects the world to be handed to him on a golden platter. He is only thinking about himself and what he deserves when he should really be focusing on Portia and being with her rather than her material possessions. As a result Morocco loses his chance at having Portia at all because of the fact that he was simply participating in the lottery to better his social and financial standing rather than trying to find his true love. The Prince states his position on which casket he shall choose when he says, â€Å"As o’er a brook to see fair Portia. One of these three contains her heavenly picture. Is’t like that lead contains her? ’Twere damnation to think so base a thought. It were too gross to rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave. Or shall I think in silver she’s immured, being ten times undervalued to tried gold? O sinful thought! Never so rich a gem was set in worth of gold.. Here do I choose my, and thrive as I may†(II. vii. 47-60). Quite possibly before he chose any casket, he chose his fate by having the personality he does. Morocco set himself for misery because money and wealth cannot buy you happiness and love. He put his own selfish and materialistic ideals before the power of love and it turned out for the worst in his case. He did not make it far by caring only about himself. Due to his overall greed and self-obsessed nature, Prince Morocco lost out on not only riches and glory, but on loving Portia and being loved in return. Prince Morocco is not a man of whom I would want to meet, if that were ever possible. Having the priorities that he does, turns me away from trying to like his character all together. How could I appreciate him as a respectable person when he would have no real respect towards me as a person? Unless I had riches to the sky, he would not take a second look my way. Morocco is all about the money, wealth and the power whereas most would be looking for love and mutual respect.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT essay IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT essay IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT essayAbstractI’m a black male who was raised by a single mother. My mother not only raised me, my identical twin brother, and our older brother, but she also raised foster children. My mother had a burden to help those in need. Although society considered our family â€Å"dysfunctional†, because there was no father figure around; my mother was able to look past our current situation and seek out those in need and provide a service to them.Due to a job related injury, my mother was unable to work; therefore, she volunteered at the Salvation Army in the soup kitchen where she would serve food to poverty stricken people of our community. She also assisted in a program at the Salvation Army that is similar to Girl Scouts, but it was called the Sunbeams. I started to realize that a majority of the individuals at the soup kitchen were black. Plus, a majority of the kids that attended Sunbeams were black, and came from dysfunctional homes. I did not realiz e at the time that I would develop a passion to help under privileged juveniles especially black juveniles.The following paper deals with the vital matter of racism and the way black people adapt in the predominant white society. The paper contains examples from my personal experience and explains in detail how I managed to come to a conclusion that the only way to find oneself in life is to see the hardships of people around you and finally develop one’s own identity with this background. Thus, my personal experience has shown that even though I grew up in a dysfunctional family, I managed to develop my identity to full extent. And at the end, I finally realized what my path in life should be, and that is helping black people, particularly juveniles that need support and assistance.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Key words: racism, identity development, inequality, stereotypes.Finding oneself in lifeAs I grew up, I realized that my mother had left her imprint on my life and the life of others. In the aforementioned paragraph I mentioned my mother was a foster parent. According to the state of Texas’ statistics, black children are over represented in the foster care system more than doubling their population (Pyle, 2009). Progress has been done to the system and officials agree to the disproportionality of one race in a program. The problem is complex but there is no quick fix or easy solution. In Texas, 26 percent of children removed from their homes last fiscal year were black, despite making up only 12 percent of the states children population, according to Childrens Protective Services. In the region, black children comprised 17 percent of cases, though only making up 6 percent of the population (Pyle, 2009).The foster children who actually stayed in our home for a long period of time were able to succeed in life. There were three black foster children who spent years with our family. They all entered our homes at different times . There was one male named Deandre and two females named Shatara and Michelle. Deandre graduated college and moved to Minnesota where he became a counselor working with teens and young adults. Shatara did not pursue college, but remains in Freeport where she works a full time job. Michelle entered our family two days after she was born with cocaine in her system. Michelle’s parents are from the Chicago area. Michelle’s parents were given the opportunity for Michelle to return home, but the parents never upheld there part of the deal with the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). My mother who gave birth to three boys had the opportunity to have a daughter by adopting Michelle.   Michelle graduated from high school with a 4.0 and then attended our local community college, from which she graduated with high honors and was accepted into the honor society.   Michelle is currently attending Howard University in Washington DC and is pursuing a degree in poli tical science; her goal is to become a corporate lawyer.Thus, it is obvious that even being black, a person can find oneself in life. Here, it should be admitted that if you have a kind heart and are passionate about helping those in need, you will be later rewarded by the well-being and success of those you once helped. Judging from the examples given above, one can see that despite racism present in our country, even black people can become successful in life, graduating from educational institutions and occupying high positions in different spheres of life.My own career choiceAs a teenager, I decided I wanted to be like my mother and help people.   I told myself that I was going to be a pastor, or a police officer. I soon realized that being a pastor was way harder than I thought. Being a pastor took a lot of discipline. As a pastor, I would have to study the Bible frequently in order to be prepared to deliver a Sunday morning message, Sunday night message, and Wednesday night message. I decided being a police officer was a better career choice for me.I spent my first five years as a police officer working in a predominately poverty stricken black area of the city. While working in this neighborhood, I helped facilitate programs that would connect the community and the police.   I wanted to establish a bond with the adults and adolescents in the community. The police department created a substation in this community where the Community Oriented Policing Unit (COP) worked out of. Myself and the other officers associated with COP developed a bicycle club called Wheels for Winners that met at the substation. COP officers were authorized to use stolen/lost bicycles that went unclaimed in the bike club. The neighborhood kids were shown how to disassemble the bikes including the internal components. The kids were then shown how to re-assemble the bicycle, and once they had completed working on the bike they were allowed to keep the bike. Plus, the police depa rtment received a grant to purchase brand new bicycles, which the students could ride when we took them on long rides and camping trips.Thus, one can see that there are many prospects and opportunities for a black person to find oneself in life, despite all the racism related problems. To proceed with this question, I will give one more example. Thus, the COP unit created another program called Kids and Police Serving (K.A.P.S). The neighborhood juveniles along with COP officers went on different trips to different states like Atlanta Georgia. The juveniles learned anti drugs, anti gang and other messages, and were taught how to perform skits and dramas based off of these anti messages. The students practiced these skits until they were comfortable enough to perform the dramas at different schools and organizations.These programs allowed me to see that juveniles’ especially young black juveniles who are given guidance and direction have the potential to break stereotypes. Som e of the juveniles went on to graduate college, some joined the workforce after high school, and some lived up to the stereotype. Here, it needs to be mentioned that judging from the above-mentioned examples, one can see that even black people living in the world full of stereotypes against them can become rightful citizens of the community.I felt pride that although Wheels for Winners and K.A.P.S did not save 100% of the participants it did give 100% of the participants the same chance to connect with influential people outside their community who they could use as a mentor .  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Access of black people to quality educationI transitioned to a new assignment where I worked as a School Resource Officer.   I worked at the high school, the middle school, and the alternative school which are all near each other.   The first year at the school I did a lot of arresting students for violating the law. The second year at the school, I became the as sistant wrestling coach and being the wrestling coach caused the students to humanize me; although throughout the school day I was dressed in full uniform. The students perception of me changed they did not perceive me as being a threat to them looking to take away their freedoms. I was able to make connections with students and was asked to be a mentor for one of the elementary schools. In the Ebony magazine (2007) an actor by the name Kodjoe who comes from a divorced household stated, â€Å" it is time for black men to step up and be fathers, because 80 % of black children live a portion of their lives without a father, being present in the household† (Samuel, 2007).Black fathers need to show the world that we are devoted, dedicated, and dependable (Samuel, 2007). I mentored two black males at the elementary school. The curriculum that was provided was from a book called â€Å"The Talk my Father never had with me†. The following school year I was asked to mentor five high school students. During the first session, I realized that all five students were black and lived in a single parent home.   I mentored one of the students for only two weeks before I arrested him for breaking into the school after hours and vandalizing school property.   I would have continued to mentor him but he was expelled from school.Here, it needs to be stated that African-American students, who make up slightly less than half of those enrolled in Chicago Public Schools, face harsher discipline than their white and Latino classmates but have better access to quality education than minority students in other large, urban districts, according to a study to be released by the U.S. Department of Education (Hood, 2012). Students with Voice of Youth in Chicago Education held a news conference outside the Cook County Juvenile Center, calling on Mayor Rahm Emanuel to end extreme discipline policies that, they say, are forcing African-American and Latino students out of scho ol (Hood, 2012).IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT part 2 essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mitigation and Response Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mitigation and Response Plan - Research Paper Example The first priority of this program is to protect the America from terrorist attacks and coercion. Second on the list is to ensure secure national borders both the south and the North. Moreover it ensures laws governing immigration are followed to later. This department prosecutes those who go against the country laws. And finally, it assists communities to plan, respond and recuperate from disasters.DHS believes in the homeland security enterprise. This refers to the collective responsibility of Federal, state, local, tribal, private sector entities, non-governmental organizations, individuals and communities to beef up security abilities. These parties share a common interest in safeguarding and assuring security to the American population. Existence of sophisticated communication network between these parties and agencies provides crucial information that step up security measures across the country’s borders (Jean, 2003). Essentially, the ultimate goal of DHS is to ensure a safe homeland where citizens are assured of their liberties and protection of their privacy.DHS is among the most crucial element of the national enterprise. This department possesses unique abilities and responsibilities in securing and managing borders and systems of immigration.DHS undertakes leadership and stewardship roles in areas relating to critical infrastructure protection and emergency management On the other hand, DHS in liaison with other departments and agencies have key roles and responsibilities to undertake on areas like defense, diplomacy and counterterrorism. Some of these departments or agencies include justice, Defense and state, the National Counterterrorism Center and Federal Bureau of Investigation. On policy making, the white house plays a key role in giving direction and helps in coordinating (Jean, 2003). This plan intends to explicitly outline mitigation and response actions towards averting a terrorist crime on borders and the possible measures and effe ctive strategic plan to be embraced to manage risks on the national borders. It is notable that chapter 2, subsection 6 of the USA constitution provides that, the main responsibility is to defend the United States of America and its territories. Some of the risks that face the United States today, include Al-Qaeda and global terrorism, wide-scale cyber attacks, pandemics and major accidents, illicit trafficking and smaller scale terrorist attacks (Jean, 2003). This plan intends to use Al-Qaeda and Taliban global terrorist attack as an example of a crisis in this case study. Terrorist attack has become a major shock wave in the United States of America. Focus on the plan‘s suitability and efficiency on mitigating and responding to the crisis shall be considered. There has been several Al-Qaeda and Taliban attempted attacks on America before and after 11 2001.For instance, on 12 October 2000. Al-Qaeda attacked the USS Cole in Yemen. This incident occurred on the port of Aden. On e year Later this al-Qaeda directed a very serious attack on several buildings in America, which left many people dead. This remains memorable and listed among the worst terrorist attack in the world. After the 2001 terrorist attack, al-Qaeda has since then directed attacks

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

AS 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AS 3 - Assignment Example As such, if there is an improper use of the resources, then there is someone who can be questioned and charged. Hence, it does away with conflicts that may arise due to misuse of these resources in the society. Also, property rights enhance trade in the society as individual owners can transact business, sell and buy their assets under the regulations set in the capitalist markets they operate. One contemporary policy that is aligned with the interpretation of the view by Marx on the primary role of property rights in the capability of capitalism to persist is that known as the National mining and minerals policy (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). The policy seeks to outline and articulate the role of the Federal government in boosting private ownership and enterprises. Yes, there are intrinsic social forces that work to challenge the function of property rights in a capitalist system. Some of these forces are those arising from corruption and greed among people in power. These people fail to follow the right and legal procedure permitted to own a property or properties. As such, they undermine the role of property rights in a capitalist system. Thus, they align with the view of Marx that private property is not the best means to deal with the inevitable truth of scarcity due to the instability they bring about on ownership in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

LEARNING FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

LEARNING FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example Thus, the prime two articles â€Å"Nursing Inter†Shift Handover Process in Mental Health Settings: A Best Practice Implementation Project† by Poh, Parasuram & Kannusamy (2013) and â€Å"A Strategy to Enhance the Safety and Efficiency of Handovers of ICU Patients: Study Protocol Of The pICUp Study† by Sluisveld, Zegers, Westert, Hoeven & Wollershiem (2013) have been duly considered along with other literatures related to the similar subject matter. Moreover, it is also worth mentioning that the article â€Å"Pilot Study to Show the Loss of Important Data in Nursing Handover† by Pothier, Monteiro, Mooktiar & Shaw (2005) has major contribution in this particular context. Further, the article of Hunt, Marsden & O’Connor (2012) also contribute to the importance of quantitative study in nursing handover process and safety to the patients. In relation to the above context, the study of Poh, Parasuram & Kannusamy (2013) attempted to assess the persisting handover practices or procedures that lay in tertiary mental health based institutions and also determine the strengths along with the limitations of the same. The results of this study depict that the introduction of handover sessions play an imperative role in ensuring patients’ safety in mental health circumstances (Poh, Parasuram & Kannusamy, 2013). Based on the study conducted by Sluisveld, Zegers, Westert, Hoeven & Wollershiem (2013), it can be ascertained that an optimal flow of patient is quite indispensable as a handover practice, which certainly ensures greater level of quality care. The findings of this study decipher that the above stated handover practice raises the quality care level of the patients in the form of managing carefully the risks emerged from premature discharge (Sluisveld, Zegers, Westert, Hoeven & Wollershiem, 2013). On the other han d, the study of Pothier, Monteiro, Mooktiar & Shaw (2005)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Assessment Of Selected Resorts In Cavite Province Biology Essay

Assessment Of Selected Resorts In Cavite Province Biology Essay Resorts in the province of Cavite are recognized for its reputable recreational waters. These resorts are intended to provide prospective customers with an atmosphere of amusement, entertainment and relaxation. The most common types are beach resorts, swimming pool, and even lakes and rivers which are designed to accommodate individuals, group of peers and family members (Bago and Linantud 2004). Also recreational waters offer activities that are beneficial and substantial to overall health. Recreational waters can be contaminated and polluted by bacteria, viruses and protozoan parasites (Bitton 1999), although the recreational water is normally treated physically and chemically using filtration and chlorination to prevent growth and infection of some bacteria (Montano and Abear 2000). However there are was an increasing number of cases of acute gastroenteritis during this summer and one group of microbes leading to their disease are enteric bacteria. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonass aeruginosa that are resistant and tolerant to chlorine and were known to cause human misery (Mann 2005). Enteric Bacteria are said to be notorious and dangerous because they cause recreational water illness like acute gastroenteritis, cholera, pneumonia, typoid fever, diarrhea, urinary infection, pneumonia, dermatitis, salmonellosis and otitis external these disease leads to outbreaks (Yoder 2008). Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are among those bacteria that can thrive in recreational waters and transmitted from swallowing and inhaling contaminated water before the microorganisms can be destroyed by pool water disinfectant (Barwicks et al. 1999). Also their resiliency to grow in some disinfectants like chlorine because they are capsulated bacteria and they possess a versatile metabolic activity, which makes gives them the resistance to a variety of physical conditions (Cappuccino 2005). The presence of these organisms in dicates contamination by pathogenic microorganism. Most waterborne diseases are related to pollution of water resources sources and thus pose an unacceptable health risk for swimmers (Schets et al. 2010). Therefore the need to examine water samples in a microbiological water aspect is essential to ensure safety to swimmers. This study is conducted to support if the selected resorts in Cavite whether chlorinated and non-chlorinate is contaminated with pathogenic microorganism that can lead to potential waterborne diseases. 1.2 Conceptual Framework The water districts ensure the potability of drinking water by increasing the concentration of Chlorine (Yoder 2008). This potable drinking water were also used in resorts. Monthly sampling of water samples in pools render negative in enteric bacteria. However there is an increasing cases of gastroenteritis for the past year. The paradigm of the present study is as follows : Microbial Status in Chlorinated and non- chlorinated waters from selected resorts Water samples from resorts (pools, streams, rivers and beaches) ed The objective of this study is to gather different water samples obtained from selected resorts and determine the microbial status regardless of its chlorine concentration levels. 1.3 Statement of the Problem This study will aim to determine the microbial status in selected resorts in Cavite. To determine specifically the following objectives: 1. What is the microbial status jpresent in chlorinated and non -chlorinated water in selected resorts in Cavite? 2. Is there a significant difference in the total count of enteric bacteria and total bacteria among chlorinated and non-chlorinated waters in selected resorts in Cavite? 3. Is there a correlation between chlorine concentration in the resorts and water samples in lakes, rivers and beaches? 1.4 Scope and Delimitation The study will determine microbial status in selected resorts in Cavite, Province. Water samples will be taken from these selected resorts and chlorine content concentration will be determined using chlorine test kits. It is not the aim of the study to apply antibacterial agent in enteric bacteria recovered from water analysis. 1.5 Significance of the Study This study is designed to find out the microbial status on the selected resorts in Cavite, Philippines. This research hopes to benefit the following concerned population: Resort clientele to be more concerned to the areas that they went to and be prepared since traditional vaccines are not reliable in killing these bacteria because they are risky and are only effective after several years. Resort Administrators and Maintenance personnel for the enhancement of facilities of the swimming pool to promote the preventive measures against proliferation of microorganism which are recognized to be health risk problems and compliance to the water quality standards. Academe who may use this as preliminary information for their future research endeavors and information in survival of bacteria in different environmental conditions. 1.6 Definition of Terms Microbial status this refers to the bacteria present in chlorinated and non-chlorinated waters from selected resorts. Prevalence the number of samples that rendered positive in culture method over the total number of samples. Enteric Bacteria these are large group of gram-negative bacteria that are known to produce disease in the alimentary tract. Enteric bacteria that survived in chlorinated waters of resorts. Resorts it is considered to be swimming pools, streams, river, lakes and beaches with chlorine. Microbial Density- The population or the measurement of the growth of the bacteria. Microbial Plating- This refers technique used to isolate a pure  strain  from a single species of microorganism plating method that will be performed in laboratory. Total Bacteria bacteria other than enteric bacteria. API Kit- This refers to the biochemical test that will determine the isolated bacteria from water samples. Chlorination- this is a water purification method to make water safe to humans and a disinfecting agent that prevents the spread the spread of waterborne diseases Chlorine test kit- This refers to the chemical test that will determine the chlorine concentration level of water. Chromogenic Media This refers to the culturing media that will determine the present bacteria in water. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW LITERATURES 2.1 Conceptual Literatures Recreational water Recreational waters can be classified as fresh water swimming pools, whirlpools and naturally occurring fresh marine surface waters. Infectious disease which can be transmitted by recreational water includes skin, eye and ear infections and gastroenteritis. Consequently the level of microorganism in recreational water are important for indexing their health hazard associated with swimming and since the recreation classification includes bathing, swimming etc. any organism transmitted to humans can be regulated. The best indicators in the assessment of the safety of swimming pool water is to become aware of the types of hazard (microbiological, chemical and physical) that can impact a bathing area. Some researchers emphasize that the microbiological quality of swimming pools are best measure by identifying the bacteria present in that recreational water such as fecal coliform and enterococci, while others consider that the disease and symptoms it brought to the bathers rather than fec al contamination (Martin et al. 1995). (Montano and Abear 2000) cited that the bacteria suggested as indicators of recreational water quality include a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria and non-pathogenic microorganism such as coliform groups, species of Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and in rare case Legionella. The presence of single coliform organism is not a ground for condemning water as a unit for human consumption. It is the relative abundance of these organisms, which is important. According to Papadopoulou et al. (2007) cited that non-fecal human shedding (e.g. from vomit, mucus, saliva or skin) in the swimming pool is also a potential source of pathogenic organism. Bathers who are already infected can directly contaminate pool waters with pathogen which may affect other bathers, who come in contact with the contaminated water. Opportunistic pathogens (mainly bacteria) can also be shed from user and transmitted via contaminated water. Also certain free living aquatic bacteria and amoebae can possibly grow not just in pool waters but also with pool components or facilities or on other wet surfaces within the facility which may cause infections or disease. Therefore swimming pools are often associated with outbreaks or incidents of waterborne infection. Murdoch(1975) as cited by Amador and Amante (2001) mentioned that disease contracted from water kill some 25million people, most of them children each year, while many millions more are debilitated by waterborne diseases. Fecal contamination of water can introduce a variety pathogens into water waste, including bacteria, viruses, protozoans and parasitic worms. Waterborne related diseases have been recognized by Classes. Class 1, refers to the true waterborne disease contracted by drinking water. Class 2 are diseases associated with lack of personal hygiene which can be reduced by providing adequate amount of water for bathing and washing. To control such diseases, people should be provided with sufficient water of reasonable quality; achieving a high bacteriological quality is a secondary consideration. Enteric bacteria A large, heterogenous group in the family Enterobacteriaceae, include several closely related genera of short and spore forming, gram-negative rods, facultative anaerobic, that inhabit or produce disease in the alimentary tract of warm-blooded animal. This family are notorious as causes of urinary tract infection and are recovered from a variety of clinical specimens taken from diseased foci other than in the gastrointestinal tract. The enterobacteria are probably responsible for more human misery than any other group.(Smith 2008) Escherichia coli It is a gram negative rod shaped bacterium. It was originally known as bacterium coli. It is widely distributed in the intestine of humans and warm- blooded animals and is the predominant facultative anaerobe in the bowel part of the essential intestinal flora that maintains the physiology of the healthy host. The presence of E.coli is associated with bather-associated illness, but its absence cannot be equated with the lack of risk of illness (Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality available at http://www.ecy.wa.gov1992). Pathogenicity performs coliform bacilli usually do no penetrate intestinal wall to produce disease unless (1) the intestinal wall becomes diseased, (2) resistance of the host is lowered, or (3) virulence of the organism is greatly increased. Under one of these conditions of coliforms may pass to abdominal cavity or enter into the bloodstream. Once outside the intestinal canal and in the tissues of the body their virulence is remarkably enhanced. Among the diseases that they cause are pyelonephritis, cystitis, cholecystitis, abscesses, peritonitis, and meningitis. They may play a part in the formation of gallstones and are found in the cores of such stones. In peritonitis complicating intestinal perforation the coliform group is joined by such organisms as streptococci and staphylococci. From any focus of inflammation coliform organism may enter the bloodstream to produce a septicaemia. (Smith 2008) Shigella Dysentery caused by the Shiga bacillus (Shigella dysenteriae) is much more severe than that from the other organisms, since this bacillus produces a powerful exotoxin- like substance in addition to an endotoxin. The exotoxin- like substance seems to be liberated by bacterial disintegration, and as a neurotoxin, It acts on the nervous system to paralyze the host. The endotoxin irritates the intestinal canal. The dysentery bacilli are gram negative, nonsporebearing rods that grow on all ordinary media at temperatures from 10 ° to 42 ° C. but best at 37 ° C they are aerobic and facultative anaerobic. Unlike most other members most other member of the enteric group, they are non-motile. In terms of pathogenicity dysentery is a human disease and natural infections of the lower animals do not occur. The incubation period is 1 to 7 days. Epidemic dysentery is primarily an intestinal infection. Unlike typhoid bacilli, the organisms do no invade the bloodstream and are seldom if ever found in the internal organs or excreted in the urine. They are excreted in the feces. Compared to that for other enteric pathogen, the number of ingested shigellas for infection is small, only 10 to 100. (Smith 2008) Salmonella Among the large number of pathogenic microorganisms causing foodborne disease, Salmonella plays an important role. An analysis of Salmonella surveillance data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that the reported number of cases increased in 22 out of 49 countries examined. Although the reason for the global increase is not yet clear, investigations in individual countries suggest that it is related to consumption of eggs and poultry that harbour the organism. Besides control measures there is a need for rapid and sensitive methods for the detection of Salmonella (Beumer et. al, 1991). Salmonella is a ubiquitous enteric pathogen with a worldwide distribution that comprises large number of serovars characterized by different host specificity and distribution. This microorganism is one of the leading causes of intestinal illness through the world as well as the etiological agent of more severe systemic diseases such as typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Zoonotic salmonellae are commonly described as foodborne pathogens however; drinking water as well as natural waters is known to be an important source for the transmission of these enteric microorganisms. Salmonella, just like other enteric bacteria, is spread by the fecal-oral route of contamination. This microorganism can enter the aquatic environment directly with feces of infected humans or animals or indirectly, e.g., via sewage discharge or agricultural land run off. Overall Salmonella spp. and subspecies can be found in a large variety of vertebrates. Beside humans, animal sources of Salmonella include pets, farm animals and wild animals; calves, poultry, pigs, sheep as well as wild bird (pigeon) and reptiles can all be reservoirs of Salmonella. Plants, insects and algae were also found capable of harboring Salmonella and might be implicated in the transmission of this enteric pathogen. Taxonomically the genus Salmonella comprises two species namely S. bongori and S. enterica. The species S. enterica is further differentiated in to six subspecies (enterica, salamae, arizonae, diarizonae, indica and houtenae) among which the S. enterica subspecies enterica is mainly associated to human and other warm blooded vertebrates. Enteric fevers, typhoid and paratyphoid fever are severe, contagious systemic diseases caused by the infection of the serovars typhi and Paratyphi. Differently from other Salmonella serovars, typhi and Paratyphi are host adapted and can only infect humans; stools of infected persons are therefore the original source of contaminations for these pathogens. Water contaminated with feces of human cases and carriers is one of the main vehicles of typhoid fever infections. Literature data related to water-borne salmonellae in developing countries relate mostly the typhoid Salmonella serovars. In the less industrialized area of the world, in particular in the Indian subcontinent and South East Asia, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers occur both in epidemic and endemic form, and remain a major public health problem. The burden of typhoid fever worldwide is further compounded by the spread of multiple drug resistant S. typhi. Most of the recent publications on typhoid and paratyphoid fever water-borne infections in developing countries are from the Asian continent. Differently from typhoidal Salmonella strains, non-typhoidal salmonellae, the ubiquitous subtypes found in a number of animal species, are more frequently associated to foodborne than to water-borne transmission. These zoonotic Salmonella serovars tend to cause acute but usually self-limiting gastroenteritis (Levantesi et al, 2011). According to (Smith 2008)The pathogenicity of salmonella is called salmonellosis, the major site of which the lining of the intestinal tract. Because of their toxic properties every known strain of salmonella can cause anyone three types of salmonellosis: (1) acute gastroenteritis of the food type infection.(2) septicemia or acute sepsis with localized complications similar to pyogenic infections, and (3) enteric fever such as typhoid or paratyphoid fevers. Salmonella typhi A short motile nonencapsulated bacillus, S.typhi grows luxuriantly on all ordinary media. It grows best under aerobic conditions bit may grow anaerobically. The temperature range growth is from 4 ° to 40 °C., the optimum, 37 °C. typhoid bacilli can survive outside the body, living about 1 week in sewage contaminated water and not only living but multiplying in milk. They may be viable in fecal matter for 1 or 2 months. They are pathogenic because of their endotoxins. Their pathogenicity causes typhoid fever is an acute infectious disease with continuous fever, skin eruptions, bowel disturbances, and profound toxemia. Except in the first few days, leukopenia is always present in uncomplicated cases, probably because typhoid bacilli depress the bone marrow, where normal production of white blood cells occurs. Leukocytosis in the course of the disease signals complication. (Smith 2008) 2.2 Related Studies According to Brown (2009), gram-negative intestinal pathogens have a diverse population of bacteria of which two of the enteric intestinal pathogens that are of prime medical concern are the salmonella and shigella. The salmonella and shigella are both pathogenic bacteria that cause typhoid fever and human dysentery, respectively. Since the gram-negative intestinal pathogens has a such diverse population it has many genera of species like the Escherichia, Proteus, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, and Clostridium that exists on large numbers, hence it is necessary to use media that are differential and selective to favor the growth of the pathogens since all of the species can be divided into lactose fermenting and non-lactose fermenting bacteria. Hiriart et al. (2001) worked on the Helicobacter pylori and Other Enteric Bacteria in Freshwater Environments in Mexico City. They observed that all samples analyzed showed the presence of enteric bacteria with or without the presence of H. pylori, indicating that water from these sources is a potential health risk for gastrointestinal diseases. The major positivity of H. pylori coincides with the major positivity of indicator and other enteric bacteria, which are both associated with contaminated water. In another study Marion et al. (2010) worked on the association gastrointestinal illness and recreational water exposure at an inland U.S beach. Relationships between water quality indicators and reported adverse health outcomes among users of a beach at an inland U.S lake was observed to be a significant risk factor for GI illness. . Papadopoulo et al.(2008) worked on the microbial quality of indoor and outdoor swimming pools in greece. They found out that three indoor swimming pools and two outdoor swimming are present with bacteria, protozoa and fungi Such as Multi-resistant Pseudomonas alcaligenes, Leuconostoc, and staphyloccus aureus( isolated from teaching pool), Staphylococcus werneri. Chryseobacterium indologenes and Ochrobactrum anthropic (isolated from completion pools) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, Aeromonas hydrophila, Enterbacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumonia and S. aureus (isolated from the hydrotherapy pool and A. hydrophilla (isolated from the hotel pool) were related to water outbreaks. Schets et al. (2010) worked on the exposure assessments for swimmers in bathing waters and swimming pools. they found out that the swallowed volume or water appears different for men, women, and children, but also in fresh water, seawater and swimming pools also the frequency and duration of swimming do also differ for men, women, and children and in different water types, and provide a basis for the identification of high risk population under specific circumstances, e.g. due to their extended water contact and frequent head submersions, children may be more prone to contract otitis external due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. Certainly a waterborne infection depends on the total bacterial counts, the immune status of the subjects, and polluted waters. The results of the past studies demonstrate the variability of the recreational water quality and the need for continuous monitoring. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY Research Design This study will use descriptive study design that involves in the identification of enteric bacteria in selected resorts in the Cavite province. There will be 20 sampling sites, 10 from swimming pools, 5 from rivers or lakes and 5 from beaches. In every sampling site there will be a total of 1 sample that will be gathered and it will be replicated into three and a total of 60 sterilized bottles with cover will be used for the 4-month period of experiment that will be done during the summer season and the rainy season. Research Setting The entire study will be conducted for 12 weeks. The identification of total bacteria and enteric bacteria will be done in Biology Research Laboratory of DLSU-D. Research Procedure Water Sample Collection (MicroMed Environmental, 2010) Sterilized 300ml wide-mouthed glass will be used in the collection of samples. Water samples will be obtained from recreational waters. The sterile containers will be plunge into the water surface until 1 foot below. Then open the bottle towards the direction of the current to allow the container to fill. Afterwards, it will be immediately sealed tightly and placed on a cooler to maintain the temperature. The samples will be obtained during the months of april and june of 2012. The chlorine concentration will also be measured using Hach Test Kit for chlorine. Chromogenic Media for Bacteria Undiluted samples will be used in the determination of total bacteria. Briefly one milliliter of sample will be spread plated onto Plate Count Agar. The plates will be incubated at 37 °C for 24 hours. Colonies that will grow will be converted into colony forming units and will be correlated to chlorine concentration and compared to enteric bacteria. For the detection of enteric bacteria the samples will be enriched in buffered peptone water for 24 hours. After 24 hours the enriched samples will be spread plated onto Salmonella-Shigella Agar and Eosin Methylene Blue Agar. Colonies resembling to enteric bacteria will be purified and confirmed using API 20E kit. Determination of the Microbial Count (BioMà ©rieux, 2002) Preparation of incubation box and inoculum will be done for the strip. In the inoculation of the strip, filling both tube and cupule of tests CIT, VP and GEL with bacterial suspension as for the remaining tests fill only the tube and not the cupule. In creating anaerobiosis ADH, LDC, ODC, H2S and URE should be overlay with mineral oil. The incubation box will be incubated for 37 °C for 24 hours. Certain color reactions will happen for the indication of positive or negative result. Data Gathering Colonies in the EMBA and PCA will be characterized using colonial characterization which includes size, form, margin, elevation, consistency, surface and pigmentation (Tabo, 2005). Biochemical test include ONPG, ADH, LDC, ODC, CIT, H2S, URE, TDA, IND, VP, GEL, GLU, MAN, INO, SOR, RHA, SAC, MEL, AMY, ARA, OX. The chlorine concentration will be measured in 0-600 mg/L. Statistical Treatment To determine the correlation between chlorine concentration and total bacteria and enteric bacteria, a simple correlation will be used. All statistical analysis will be conducted in STATA 9.0 with 0.05 as level of significance. APPENDIX A GANTT CHART APPENDIX B BUDGET PROPOSAL Item Volume/Mass Estimated Price (PhP) Quantity Expense (PhP) EQUIPMENTS AND KITS Biomerieux Inc Biomerieux API 20E KIT 100g Pack of 100 20160 13000.00 1 13000.00 Hachs Chlorine Test Strips, 0-600mg/L Pack of 2890200 876.31 1 876.31 AGARS Salmonella-Shigella Agar 50 g 500.00 1 500.00 Eosin Methylene Blue Agar 50 g 500.00 1 500.00 Plate Count Agar 500.00 1 500.00 TOTAL 15376.31 APPENDIX C LETTER TO THE HOSPITAL March 13, 2012 Ms. Teresita E. Guevarra Medical Records Head De La Salle University Medical Center Dear Ms. Guevarra: Greetings in the name of St. John Baptist De La Salle! We are writing to ask permission from you in getting information that we will need for our thesis defense on the upcoming December 2012. We are Human Biology major students from De La Salle University-Dasmarià ±as and we are going to conduct a study regarding the possible prevalence of enteric bacteria in selected resorts in Dasmarià ±as, Cavite. Regarding this, we would like to request for the following information: Reported cases of salmonellosis and acute gastroenteritis in this hospital for the last two years (2010 and 2011) We are hoping for your positive response towards our request. If ever the information we need will not be available today, you may contact us at 09164745448 and 09272546946. Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Ron Matthew A. Flores John Paul A. Flores Noted by: ____________________ _____________________ Mrs. Hazel Ann L. Tabo Dr. Carmelita C. Cervillon BSD Faculty, DLSU-D (Thesis Adviser) College Dean, DLSU-D _____________________ Ms Cherry Z. Cuevas, MS BSD Chair, DLSU-D APPENDIX D COLOR REACTION TESTS RESULTS (negative) + RESULTS (positive) ONPG colorless yellow ADH Yellow red/orange LDC Yellow red/orange ODC Yellow red/orange CIT pale green/yellow blue-green/blue H2S colorless/gray black deposit URE Yellow red/orange TDA Yellow brown-red IND Yellow red (2 min.) VP colorless pink/red (10 min.) GEL no diffusion of black black diffuse GLU blue/blue-green yellow MAN blue/blue-green yellow INO blue/blue-green yellow SOR blue/blue-green yellow RHA blue/blue-green yellow SAC blue/blue-green yellow MEL blue/blue-green yellow AMY blue/blue-green yellow ARA blue/blue-green yellow OX colorless/yellow violet LITERATURE CITED Amador RM, Amante PP. Detection and isolation of coliform bacteria in Laguna de Bay Brgy. Landayan San Pedro Laguna; 2001. p.67. Bago CEM, Linantud JF, Ortiz MP. Stability and Profitability of Resort Business in Dasmarinas, Cavite. 2004. P.1-2-ix-29. Barwicks RS., Levy DA., Craun GF., Beach MJ., Calderon RL. 2000. Surveillance for water borne-Disease Outbreaks-united-states ,1997-1998 CDC Brown, A. E. 2005. Bensons Microbiological Applications 9th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York. Beumer, R.R., et al., 1991. Enzyme-linked immunoassays for the detection of Salmonella spp.: a comparison with other methods, Elsevier Science Publisher, B.V. 0168-1605/91 Carteciano JA., 2004. Four Emerging Bacteria: So Tiny, So deadly. National Research Council of the Philippines. Hammer Sr. M, Hammer Jr. M. Water and waste water technology. New Jersey; 2004.p.140 Levantesi, C., et al., 2011.Salmonella in surface and drinking water: Occurrence and water-mediated transmission, Food Research International, doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.06.037; Mann, D. Beware of Recreational Water Illnesses, WebMD. [Internet]. 2005 [cited 2011 December 28]. Available from HYPERLINK http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/beware-of-recreational-water-illnesses Marion, J., et al., 2010.Association of Gastrointestinal illness and recreational water exposure at inland U.S beach, water research international; Martin, M., et al., 1995.Assessment of microbiology quality for swimming pools in South America. MicroMed Environmental, Inc. [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2012 March 25]. Available from HYPERLINK http://www.igmicromed.com/docs.html Montano JM, Abear R. 2000.Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in relation to microbial population of selected swimming pools in dasmarinas cavite. De la Salle University Dasmarinas. p.52. Schets F., et al., Exposure Assessment of swimmers in bathing water and swimming pools, water research. 2010. Tabo, Norbel A. 2005. Laboratory Manual in Microbiology, Rex Bookstore Inc, Manila. p. 63-67 Yoder JS., Hlavasa MC., Craun GF., Hill V., Roberts V., Yu PA., Hicks LA., Alexander NT., Calderon RL., Roy SL., and Beach MJ.2008. Surveillance for waterborne disease and outbreaks associated with recreational water use and other aquatic facility- associated health events-united states 2005-2006- CDC.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Margaret (peggy) Timberlake Eaton Essays -- essays research papers

Margaret (Peggy) O’Neal (who preffered to be called Margaret) was born in 1799 in Washington DC. She was the daughter of William O’Neal, who owned a thriving boarding house and tavern called the Franklin House in that same town. It was frequented by senators, congressmen, and all politicians. She was the oldest of six children, growing up in the midst of our nation’s emerging political scene. She was always a favorite of the visitors to the Franklin House. She was sent to one of the best schools in Washington DC, where she studied English and French grammar, needlework and music. She also had quite a talent for dance, and was sent to private lessons, becoming a very good dancer. At the age of twelve, she danced for the First Lady Dolley Madison. Visitors of the Franklin House also commented on her piano playing skills. During Margaret’s teenage years, there were many rumors circulating about her romances. The stories included one of a suitor who swallowed poison after she refused to return his affections, one of her being briefly linked to the son of President Jefferson’s treasury secretary, and one of her botched elopement to a young aide of General Winfield Scott. As the story goes, she accidentally kicked over a flowerpot during her climb down from a bedroom window, which woke her father, who promptly dragged her back inside. When Jackson first met Margaret at the age of 24, he took an immediate liking to her. The tavern had been recommended to him by his close friend John Henry Eaton, who would later marry Miss O’Neal and cause quite a scandal. Jackson’s wife, when meeting Margaret a year later, was equally taken with her. Margaret married a navy purser named John Bowie Timberlake. They had three children together, one whom died while still an infant. When John was gone at sea, John Eaton entered the picture again, escorting Margaret on drives and to parties. The rumors flew around town of Margaret and Eaton’s supposed affair, and of her husband’s drunkenness. The people around town were all saying that the reason Timberlake kept sailing was to avoid his wife’s obvious philandering. Timberlake was soon reassigned to the Mediterranean squadron. The Mediterranean was very hot and contained few friendly ports in those days, making it a less than pleasant assignment. Timberlake died while in the Mediterranean, the official cause was pulmonary disease. ... .... It was common protocol that if two members of the cabinet resigned, the rest would do so out of courtesy in order to allow the president to reorganize his cabinet. With some resistance, all of the cabinet members resigned, allowing Jackson to rename the members and hopefully end the affair once and for all. The newspapers attributed the cabinet’s fall the Margaret Eaton, and everyone thought that Jackson had doomed any hope for reelection. Jackson was reelected, with Van Buren as a running mate. He quickly sent Eaton to the Florida territory, where he became governor. Two years later, Jackson appointed Eaton as the United States minister to Spain. Margaret and John thoroughly enjoyed their lives in Spain for a period of four years. John Eaton died in 1856, leaving Margaret a small fortune. She lived in Washington DC with her two daughters, both of whom married into high society. It seemed as though Margaret finally had the societal life and respect she had always wanted. She changed all of that when, at the age of 59, she married her granddaughter’s 19 year old dance tutor, Antonio Buchignani. A mere five years later, he ran off to Italy with her money and her granddaughter.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ed Boehm Essay

Edward Marshall Boehm Inc. Case Study The Edward Marshall Boehm case talks about a company whose main objective is to produce the highest possible quality porcelain products while keeping a focus to nature. The following report will include the company’s vision and mission statement, their main objectives, a SWOT analysis and their specific plans in great detail. Edward Marshall Boehm’s vision for the company is â€Å"to capture that special moment and setting which conveys the character, charm and loveliness of a bird or animal in its natural habitat† with his highest possible quality porcelain products. His mission is similar to his vision statement in that he wants to make the world aware and protective of endangered wildlife by making them aware of nature’s charm. As stated in the introduction, the main objective is to make the highest objective porcelain products focused on nature. Other main objectives include trying to establish the company to stay profitable for the long run. The company is particularly focused on making their quality products with the purpose of raising awareness and raising a profit, rather than mass producing for quantity. With these objectives, they believe it will put them where they want to be in the long run. After reviewing the case we have completed a SWOT analysis to get a better idea of where they are headed. The company’s strengths are numerous and promise success. They use a very high quality porcelain clay equal to the finest in the world and have the skill to make many different beautiful figurines. Mr. Boehm is not only extremely artistically talented but also has unlimited knowledge about the art market. He also leads promotion for the company and possesses great merchandising skills. Mr. Boehm could be named as a strength himself. The porcelain figures are becoming increasingly recognized as unique, and irreplaceable as well as many becoming collector’s items; the most intricate have been priced at over $20,000. The weaknesses are less numerous than the strengths but are still existent. First, the figure making process is complex, including 52 steps. This makes it extremely hard when orders become numerous and they start to get backordered, it is hard to catch up because Mr. Boehm is the only artist. Considering at the time this case was written Boehm was 55 years old, it may be hard to view the long-term vision for the company because he may not be around to always be able to create the same quality products he once was able to produce. There is also the expense of creating the products, and the travels Mr. Boehm makes in order to bring back live models of his birds. The company may look at several opportunities in order to improve their company. First, they should consider expanding into international markets; doing this could get their name out there and attract more customers. Mr. Boehm should look into teaching other people how to make the same high quality figures so they are able to create more products efficiently and have less backorders. Finally they should look into selling their porcelain clay to other businesses in order to make more money. We feel that this company faces many threats. As mentioned before Mr. Boehm’s age could potentially be a threat for the businesses. The fact that they have backorders may start to frustrate the customers and cause them to stop ordering from the company because the wait isn’t worth it. A rise in the cost of materials to make the figures may cause him to raise the cost of selling them which will in turn cause the loss of customers. New competitors could always be a threat and they may find a more efficient way to get the figures to customers quickly without backorders. We have a few specific plans that will help this company continue to thrive in the future. The most important thing to do is for Mr. Boehm to train other people in his craft. This is crucial if the company is to plan for long term. Another plan is to hire more than one company to distribute the product. Right now they only have one distributor, Milton China. With more distributors he could reach a larger market. The final plan we came up with is to work on technological advancements to make the long tedious process of making the figures quicker. The largest problem of the company is that it has so many backorders, with technology they could possibly speed up the process and narrow down the amount of backorders. We feel with our analysis that Edward Marshall Boehm Inc. is in good position for the future but they could make vast improvements if they capitalize on their opportunities and focus on the specific plans we provided.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - A

Dictionary of Old and Obsolete Occupations - A The occupations found recorded in documents from prior centuries often appear unusual or foreign when compared to the occupations of today. The following occupations beginning with A are generally now considered old or obsolete, although some of these occupational terms are still in use today. Acater  - ships chandler, one who supplies food provisions to a ship Accipitrary  - falconer Accomptant  - accountant Accoucheur  - one who assists women in childbirth; midwife Accoutre / Accoutrement maker - one who outfitted or supplied military clothing or equipment Ackerman, Acreman  - ploughman, ox herder Actuary  - accountant Aeronaut - balloonist or trapeze artist Affeeror  - official in the manorial courts responsible for assessing the monetary penalty and collecting taxes and dues, assessor Alblastere - old Scottish term for a crossbow man Albergatore - innkeeper (Italian) Alchemist  - medieval chemist who claimed to be able to turn metal into gold Alderman - an elected member of a municipal council; a noble serving the king as chief officer of a district Ale conner  - official who tested the quality and measure of ale served in public houses Ale-draper, Ale draper  - a tapster or seller of ale Ale-tunner, Ale tunner  - one who worked with or was employed to fill tuns, great hogshead barrels or casks used to store ale in medieval times All spice  - grocer Ale-wife, Alewife  - landlady of an alehouse, or ale stand Almoner  - one who distributes alms, provides for the needy; in Britain may also refer to a hospital social worker Amanuensis  - stenographer, one who takes dictation Ambler - one who worked in a stable to help break in horses Amen man  - parish clerk Anchor smith - one who made anchors Ankle beater  - young person who helped drive cattle to market Annatto maker - one who made annatto dye for paint and printing trades, derived from the seeds of the achiote tree Annealer - one who processed metal or glass by heating it in a furnace and then slowly cooling it via chemicals or other means Antigropelos maker - one who made waterproof leg coverings meant to protect trousers from splashing and dirt Apiarian  - beekeeper Apiculteur  - beekeeper (French) Apparitor  - official who summoned witnesses for the ecclesiastical courts Apothecary  - One that prepares and sells drugs and medicines, a pharmacist Aquarius - waterman Aratore - plowman Arbalist - a crossbow man Arbiter - a person who judged disputes Archiator  - doctor, physician Archil maker - one who made a reddish-purple dye called archil for use in dying textiles; the dye was made by bruising lichens and then moistening it with urine or spirits mixed with lime Argenter - silver plater Arkwright -  A skilled craftsman who produced wooden chests or coffers (arks) Armiger  - squire who carried the armor of a knight Armourer -  one who made suits of armor, or plates of armor for ships Arpenteur  - land surveyor (French) Arrimeur  - stevedore, one who is employed in the loading and unloading of ships (French) Artificer  - a skilled craftsman or artisan; an enlisted military man responsible for upkeep of weapons and small arms; or an inventor Ashman - one who collected ashes and garbage   Aubergiste  - innkeeper (French) Augermaker -  one who made augers for boring holes in wood Aurifaber  - a goldsmith, or one who works with gold Avenator - merchant of hay and forage Avvocato - lawyer or soliciter Axel tree turner -  one who made axles for coaches and wagons

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Invasion of Australia Essay Example

Invasion of Australia Essay Example Invasion of Australia Essay Invasion of Australia Essay Invasion, Settlement or Colonisation For over 60,000 years Aboriginal people lived on this continent, owning, caring for and being sustained by the land. With their deep knowledge of nature and respect for the environment in which they lived, they developed a successful economy and a rich spiritual and cultural life. 1788 saw the arrival of Europeans and the decimation of the aboriginal people. 1. Enter territory with armed forces to attack, damage or occupy it. 2. Crowd in; tourists invaded the city. 3. Penetrate harmfully; the disease had invaded all parts of the body. Invasion suggests that there was already an inhabitant of the land and that the land of the inhabitants was. It also suggests that there was force used in claiming the land from its original inhabitants through use of military force. The European government that came to colonise Australia referred to the land as Terra Nullius, which means land that belongs to no one. They divided up land that was not theirs and built houses and farms. The aborigines were seen as savages. 1. Not civilized; barbaric: a savage people. 2. Ferocious; fierce: in a savage temper. The Aborigines were forced off their native land and when they opposed they were shot, hung or executed by other means. One such occasion was the Battle of Pinjarra. They might have called it the Battle of Pinjarra but like all of the massacres of the Aborigines it was more a case of wholesale slaughter than of some equally poised, European-style battle.Wrote Bruce Elder in his book Blood on the Wattle: the massacres and maltreatment of Australian Aborigines. Invasion, Settlement or Colonisation.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Epidemiology and communicable disease Assignment

Epidemiology and communicable disease - Assignment Example For example, individuals who have higher income are likely to access better health services while those with low income are likely not to access health services. This puts those poor person to develop diseases and do not go for treatment, thus making some communicable diseases to spread in the society (Marmot et al., 2012). Communicable disease chain is a circuit of events that starts from a disease-causing urgent to reach an individual ultimately and causes infection. The chain entails the following components: infectious agent, a reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry and susceptible host. For an individual to become infected the entire chain must be intact. However, breaking just one component of the chain of infection makes the infectious disease difficult to spread (Aginam, 2002). There are steps that a nurse can take to break the chain of infection and stop the disease from spreading. For example ensuring that, all children are fully immunized against some diseases like measles and flu among others since this will break the chain from the source. Proper hand washing before handling food, this breaks the chain on mode of transmission and prevents the spread (Brachman,

Friday, November 1, 2019

The effect of dystrophin on neuron development in the Central Nervous Essay

The effect of dystrophin on neuron development in the Central Nervous System - Essay Example The DMD is the human gene responsible for providing instructions for making dystrophin. Dystrophin is located in muscles such as cardiac muscles (heart) and skeletal muscles (movement). Small amounts of this hormone are present in the brain specifically in the nerve cells. In cardiac and skeletal muscles, this protein hormone is part of a protein complex which work together to protect and strengthen muscle fibers from injury during contraction and relaxation of the muscles (Hart 23). Dystrophin complex often act as an anchor for connecting each framework of the cells of the muscle with protein lattice and other extracellular matrix. Dystrophin may also play an important role in cell signaling through interacting with proteins which receive and send chemical signals. Little is known so far concerning the functions of dystrophin complex in nerve cells (Hart 24). Some studies have suggested that it plays an important role in the normal functioning of synapses and structure, which are sp ecialized connections existing between nerve cells where the occurrence of cell-cell occurs. In this paper, the focus of ascertaining the effect of dystrophin on neuron development in the Central Nervous System According to Shan and Lihsia (13) dystrophin protein plays an integral role in maintaining muscle membrane integrity. Shan and Lihsia showed that accompanying neuropsychiatric disorder and cognitive impairment often presented in most of the DMD proteins suggests that dystrophin plays an integral role in membrane-cytoskeleton function. The study involved growing c.elegans strains on the nematode growth medium plate at 21 degrees Celsius. Transgenic animals were then generated basing mello et al (1991) standard procedure. In order to generate Punc-119::dys-1 (pLC587), the researchers pieced together the 9.0-kb dys-1 genomic sequence obtained from WRM0611bE10 at an exon 30 with the untranslasted region of cDNA and 169-bp dys-1 3 and 3.9-kb dys-1 cDNA, and subcloned was joined in to the pBluescript II KS vector existing between NotI and XmaI. The researchers then crossed evIs78 (Punc-129::gfp and oxIs12 (unc-47::gfp integrated transgenes into the available respective strains with a view to visulize cholinergic neurons, and GABA. Synchronized the young adult animals of such strains and the synchronized dys-1 larvae for different stages were all mounted on the 2percent agarose pads and then scored for neuronal displacement with a 40? 1.3 NA Neofluar. This was done with an aim of using the microscope with the captured image, which was captured in a camera, along with the imaging software. Shan and Lihsia findings showed that DYS-1/dystrophin helps in regulating locomotion and muscle integrity. The findings of this study, also show that SAX-7 and STN-2/Y-syntrophin functions to maintain the neural integrity in c.elegans. In yet another study Hart Lidov, Timothy Byers, Simon Watkins, and Louis Kunkel (7) scientific study, this researchers came up with antibody (a nti 6-10), which was somewhat more sensitive that the immunolabel dystrophin which were previously available. The researhers then used this anti 6-10 antibody in to investgate whether the asoociation between systrophin and the nervous system. The findings of this study revealed that in the mouse, dystrophin is more abundant in the neurons of the cerebral cortices and the cerebral. This study also revealed that